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Virtual Symposium 2021

Save the date! 3 May 2021

Registration is open until 29th April 2021.

The symposium of Research Training Group 2158 was successfully established in 2017 as a perfect platform for a get-together of interested students and audience from different backgrounds with renowned scientists from academia and industry.

Ever since this symposium was organized by doctoral students of Research training group 2158 of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Within the framework of this symposium representatives from all three groups (students, renowned scientists, industry) give insights into their work and provide a base for inspiring discussions.

Due to the pandemic situation, the Symposium of the Research Training Group 2158 will take place as an online event.

Confirmed Speakers


Prof. Dr. Jon Clardy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Prof. Dr. Anna Hirsch, HIPS, Germany

Dr. Simone Moser, LMU München, Germany

Dr. Susanne Röhrig, Bayer AG, Germany

Laura Schmitt & Marco Kruppa, Doctoral Students of RTG 2158