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Annual GRK 2158 Symposium

The annual GRK2158 symposia serve as a perfect platform for a get-together of all participating doctoral researchers, principal investigators and external guests. The exchange of all GRK2158 members, the intensification of collaborations, but also the critical discussion of the results represent the main objectives of our symposia. Therefore, the doctoral researchers present the projects and results in talks or on posters followed by lively discussions among the GRK members, but also with the invited speakers who also give presentations about their research.

Symposium 2022

The annual symposium in 2022 took place from 28th till 29th of November in House of University in Düsseldorf. After two years and 2 online symposia we finally met again in presence.  Not only were we able to listen to the very interesting talks by our guests and the high-quality presentations by our doctoral students, but we were also able to talk intensively about the projects and the development of the Research Training Group during the poster sessions and coffee breaks. Unfortunately, only a limited number of doctoral students were able to give a presentation, but all 2nd generation doctoral students prepared a poster so that all participants were able to learn about the projects. Especially for the 3rd generation doctoral students, who started their doctorates only 2 months ago, this symposium was an excellent opportunity to get to know all participants personally and to get an overview of the RTG. We thank all guest speakers and all doctoral speaker for their contributions.

Invited speakers were:

George Burslem, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Isabelle Schalk, University of Stasbourg, France
Bernd Riedl, Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany
Andreas Strasser, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Roderich Süßmuth, TU Berlin, Germany

Click here for more information.

Symposium 2021

The annual GRK2158 symposium took place as an online event on 3 May 2021.

The presentations of the guest speakers from academia and industry were very impressive and thematically perfectly fitted the Research Training Group. We would like to thank Simone Moser (LMU Munich), Susanne Roehrig (Bayer Helathcare AG), Anna Hirsch (HIPS) and Jon Clardy (Harvard University, USA) for the insights into their very interesting research.

The presentations of the two PhD students, Laura Schmitt and Marco Kruppa, showed only a small part of the work taking place in the GRK, but reflected the excellent projects as well as the close cooperation of the members of the Research Training Group, which contribute significantly to the success of the GRK. 

Invited Speakers Title of Talk

Prof. Dr. Jon Clardy

Blavatnik Institute, Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University

Chasing Molecules and Mechanisms in the Human Gut Microbiome


Prof. Dr. Anna Hirsch

Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

Addressing unusual anti-​infective targets

Dr. Simone Moser

Pharmaceutical Biology, Department of Pharmacy - Center for Drug Research, University of Munich

Phyllobilins - Chlorophyll breakdown as source of bioactive compounds

Dr. Susanne Roehrig

Medizinische Chemie, Bayer AG, Germany

Discovery and development of the novel antithrombotic agent rivaroxaban, an orally active, direct factor Xa inhibitor


Since we met online, we could only take a virtual group picture... 

Symposium 2020

The annual GRK2158 symposium should have taken place in Sport+Seminarcenter Radevormwald from 16.-18.3.20. Due to Covid-19 the symposium was postponed to the 1st & 2nd of July and took place as an online event. Thanks to all people how helped to organized this event and thanks to all the speakers.

The program is now available here (PDF).

Additionally to the talks of the doctoral students of GRK2158 the highly interesting talks of the invited speakerscompleted the program perfectly.

Invited Speaker Title of Talk

Prof. Dr. Uli Kazmaier

Insititute of Organic Chemistry, Saarland University

Stereoselective peptide modifications – versatile tools for natural product and drug synthesis


Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow

Applied Microbiology, Ruhr University Bochum

Antibacterial strategies – from the discovery of new compound classes to antibiotic mechanism elucidation

Dr. Sanil Bhatia

Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Clinical Immunology, HHU Düsseldorf

Novel therapeutic strategies for resistant childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

 Some impressions of our online symposium....

Symposium 2019

From 27th until 28th of May 2019 all members of Research Group 2158 met at the "Haus der Universität" in Düsseldorf for the annual symposium. All doctoral students of GRK2158 contributed with highly professional talks or well prepared posters to a successful and productive symposium.

As a special highlight Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Proksch who was the initiative speaker of GRK2158 gave a very intersting and vivid talk about his "Tales from Ecological Chemistry".

We were also happy to hear the talks of the invited speakers which completed the program in a perfect manner.

Invited Speaker Title of Talk

Prof. Dr. Maria Chiara Monti

Univerista’ degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

Proteomic approaches to disclose natural products cellular targets

Prof. Dr. Christian Ottmann

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Natural-product stabilization of 14-3-3 protein-protein interactions

Prof. Dr. Markus Kaiser

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Natural products in medicinal chemistry and chemical probe discovery

Prof. Dr. Tanja Schneider

University of Bonn, Germany

Targeting a cell wall biosynthesis hot spot

More information about the program you can find here: GRK2158 Symposium 2019 program

Symposium 2018

The long-standing cooperation between the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology of the University of Duesseldorf and State Key Laboratoty of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs of Peking University is not only a basis for a fruitful exchange of knowledge about natural products and new natural products themselves, but has now led to the joint organization of this year's symposium about “Natural products and analogs against therapy resistant tumours and microorganisms” from Sept 17 till 21 in Beijing, China.

Together with Prof. Dr Wenhan Lin, who is participated in GRK2158 as a Mercator fellow, GRK2158 provided an excellent platform for all German and Chinese doctoral students and principal investigators for presenting and discussing their research concerning natural products as well as for the establishing of new research cooperations.

50 participants from Heinrich Heine University and Chinese Universities and Research institutes met at the Conference Center of Medical Health Center of Peking University and discuss their research on Natural compounds and analogs against therapy resistant tumours and microorganisms.

The program and all abstracts are available in the Abstractbooklet (PDF).

Symposium 2017

In 2017 we met at the Meeting and Guest House of HHU, Schloß Mickeln, from September 20-22. All doctoral researchers presented their projects in talk and on a poster in a very professional and confident manner. The symposium was wonderfully completed by the talks of our Mercator fellow Prof. Dr. Wenhan Lin form Peking University, China, and our external guests Dr. Min-Li Weber from German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg and Prof. Dr. Mark Brönstrup from Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig.

Invited Speakers Talks
Prof. Dr. Wenhan Lin, Peking University, China Antivirus molecules derived from marine organisms
Dr. Min-Li Weber, German Cancer Research Centre Heidelberg Overcome resistance in cancer by the phytochemicals rocaglamides
Prof. Dr. Marc Brönstrup, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunschweig Chemical Biology Directed to Antiinfective Drug Discovery